About the Volunteer Center
The Sheboygan County Volunteer Center provides:
- A website portal for nonprofit agencies to post their needs and community members to fill them.
- A network of nonprofit agencies which meet quarterly to brainstorm how to increase the number of volunteers and advance their volunteer experiences.
- An engagement opportunity for businesses to share with their staff through onboarding and retention efforts.
Visit the Volunteer Center website to find and sign up to volunteer as an individual or a group!
Through the gift of volunteerism, community members play a critical role in filling current needs in Sheboygan County and nurturing our community’s future.
Review the impact in numbers below!
Day of Caring Stats
- 900+ Volunteers!
- 47 Nonprofit Projects for 33 Nonprofit Organizations
- 3,000+ Volunteer Hours
- $12,647 Project Grants Awarded
Outputs of 2022 Day of Caring include:
- 600+volunteers were mobilized to fill 39 projects in Sheboygan County
- 2,895 volunteer hours completed in the one day
- 22 Day of Caring Mini-Grants were awarded
More Impact stats coming soon!
Outputs of 2021 Day of Caring include:
- 465 volunteers were mobilized to fill 38 projects for 24 local nonprofit agencies
- 2,300 volunteer hours completed in the one day
- 16 Day of Caring Mini-Grants were awarded
- 200+ community members gathered to kick-off United Way's 2021 Campaign to continue to support local nonprofit agencies, community impact initiatives, and more!
In collaboration with the Sheboygan Area School District and JustServe, we co-hosted a Community Volunteer Fair on October 28, 2021. The purpose of this event was to connect community members and students with volunteer opportunities.
Outputs of the Community Volunteer Fair:
- 35 Agencies and Programs represented
- 160 Community Members Attended
- 340+ Students from North High School Attended
- 500+ volunteer sign-ups (both community members and students)
Volunteering shifted due to COVID-19 but that didn't stop hundreds of community members from giving back!
UWSC expanded participation opportunities from mostly in-person volunteer opportunities to include virtual and donation of tangible items along with an ‘Acts of Kindness Challenge.’
Outputs of 2020 Day of Caring include:
- In-person Volunteer Opportunities: 49 volunteers provided 196 hours of socially distant in-person volunteering around Sheboygan County. This is a significant decrease due to COVID-19. Nonprofits reported being unable to host in-person volunteer opportunities due to staff capacity and adequate space.
- (NEW) Acts of Kindness Challenge: 507+ acts of kindness completed and submitted.
- (NEW) Virtual Volunteer Opportunities: 16 volunteers participated in virtual opportunities such as making inspirational cards for clients, marketing and public relations support.
- (NEW) Donation Drives: 300+ children's books donated for Community Partnership for Children organized by UWSC Emerging Leaders. Nonprofits reported 253 additional items donated that day.
In addition to Day of Caring in 2020, 326 volunteers were matched with project opportunities, which amounted to more than 712 volunteer hours.
- 24 Corporate Groups with 1,062 total volunteers.
- 556 volunteers matched with projects, for a total of 2,058 volunteer hours
- 2019 Day of Caring: 58 projects filled from 38 nonprofit agencies. 1,016 Volunteers signed up to and provided 4,867 volunteer hours.
Agency Information
Are you a nonprofit agency in the Sheboygan County area in need of Volunteers? Join the Volunteer Center Network (VCN) to access resources provided United Way's Volunteer Center.
Click here for more details regarding the Volunteer Center Network.