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Sheboygan County Community Partnership for Children (CPC)

The Sheboygan County Community Partnership for Children (CPC) is a community impact initiative of United Way that works to ensure parents and families have the supports and services they need to ensure their children are safe, healthy, reaching their developmental milestones on time and are ready for kindergarten.


Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! Below you will find a variety of resources and links curated by experts in the early childhood field to help your family welcome its newest member. You can read a letter from our Resource Specialists in English or Spanish.

Welcome Baby Booklet

The Welcome Baby Booklet has information on nearly 100 different agencies available to families in Sheboygan County! You can view a copy of the booklet here.

Bright By Text

Bright By Text sends free text messages with easy, practical tips and activities for parents and caregivers right to your cell phone! Messages are targeted to your child’s age and include information on development, language and early literacy, health and safety, behavioral tips and more. Sign up by texting "BADGER" to 274448 or visiting this page.


The below links provide valuable information for parents sorted by category. Please also see the Welcome Baby Booklet (located above) for additional information. You can also utilize the Wisconsin Department of Health Services' Wisconsin Wayfinder for help navigating children's resources.