Welcome Baby Booklet
The Welcome Baby Booklet has information on nearly 100 different agencies available to families in Sheboygan County! You can view a copy of the booklet here.
Bright By Text
Bright By Text sends free text messages with easy, practical tips and activities for parents and caregivers right to your cell phone! Messages are targeted to your child’s age and include information on development, language and early literacy, health and safety, behavioral tips and more. Sign up by texting "BADGER" to 274448 or visiting this page.
The below links provide valuable information for parents sorted by category. Please also see the Welcome Baby Booklet (located above) for additional information. You can also utilize the Wisconsin Department of Health Services' Wisconsin Wayfinder for help navigating children's resources.
- Bright By Text
- Love & Logic
- Baby Talk - Email camille.catlett@unc.edu to subscribe
- Just in Time Parenting
- Family Resource Center of Sheboygan County
- Five for Families
- Zero to Three Parenting Resources
- University of Wisconsin Extension
- Parenting.com
- Aha! Parenting
- Text4Baby
- Talking is Teaching
- The Power of Connection
- Parent Cafés
- You Can Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Distracted Parenting
- WellBadger
- Youngstar
- Child Care Finder
- Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Child Care
- Choosing the Right Child Care | Supporting Families Together Association
- Connections Program
- Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program
- Financial
- Food
- Housing
- Clothing
- Mary’s Room
- St Vincent de Paul (Sheboygan & Plymouth)
- Goodwill
- Transportation
- Bienvenido Bebe
- Breastfeeding https://www.lactationtraining.com/resources/handouts-parents/handouts-spanish
- www.cdc.gov/sigamos
- CCR&R www.familyconnectionscc.org
- https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/spanish/actearly/spanish-milestones-app.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/spanish/actearly/index.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fpronto%2Findex.html
- Charlie’s Kids Foundation
- Milestone Moments https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/booklets/crops-and-bleeds-milestone-moments-booklet2021_span_sng_fnl-p.pdf
- https://espanol.nichd.nih.gov/actividades-proyectos/la-salud-mental-de-las-mamas
- FRC https://familyresourcesheboygan.org/
- Purple Crying - Shaken Baby https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/3181.pdf